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Power bank under 4 dollars/ 300 rs.

                                                      Let's build a power bank today in just 300bux or just 4 dollars. yes, you can build it by yourself. If you are a techie like me, it is better to build your own power bank instead of buying it. It will make you feel happy and you'll end up saving some money.                                                                        - Apurv Patil. Caution: If your not good at soldering it is better if you do it under someone's guidance. All the best do it safely, Apparatus:  (I have mentioned best buyer's links as well.) 1. Old laptop battery. 2. Soldering iron and wire. 3. DIY charging board. 4. D...


                                 Let's build a firearm today, A machine/ weapon which fires fire out of it. Yes, you can build it yourself at home, at the office or anywhere you want, I'm kidding it's easy to make but risky as well. I build this thing for fun and well that was the only purpose behind it.   - Apurv Patil Caution: Don't try this at home find a person to keep an eye on you.  Take all the safety measures written below and read the problems we faced so that you don't face them and put your self in danger. All the best!  Apparatus: 1. A hard iron plate.  2. Propane Cylinder.  3. Cable toys, Zip Ties.  4. Clipper.  5. A nozzle which fits your Cylinder. Process:    Step 1: Get a hard iron plate and mold it with a hammer or anything in such a way that it fits a perfectly and protects you from fire if ...